About the Author

Hello and welcome to my personal blog!

Here is where I post tales of my escapades for when I am far away from home and I don't want my family and friends to think I am dead.

I grew up with a Yorkshire father and a Southern Californian mother, giving me childhood filled with travel and adventure. Besides passing down their need exciting excursions, my parents also game me their love for story telling, world history, tea, photography, the strumming of an acoustic guitar, and the use of ones imagination. Because of this I grown into an artistic, nomadic soul in mismatched eras of clothing. Not wanting to turn me into living carbon copies of themselves though, they encouraged me to experiment with different cultures, religions, sports, and hobbies. Through their open-minded parenting I discovered my love for Yoga. A lifestyle I have, not only taken on, but pursue for a future career.

If you have any questions please email me at kellyhudsonx@gmail.com


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